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Friday, November 17, 2017

A new look and Anna gets riled up!

Hello you sexy readers out there ;)

I've been thinking about my blog a lot and love love love when I hear from you! Someone pointed out to me that my blog name really wasn't accurate, in that I'm not a swinger (anymore). I couldn't argue with that fact! When I first started this blog in February 2010, my husband and I WERE swingers, so, hence the name, "Diary of a Swinging Housewife". Also, the blog domain name, "We-Swing" is no longer accurate, as a loyal follower pointed out to me. I am grateful for him and today I changed it to better reflect the journey from swinging married couple to ethical non-monogamy. I'm still not sure about the title; it may change again but I do feel like my experiences are leading me to a much wiser position as someone who has been around the block SO many times, I want to teach and lead you all to a better sex life as well as happier, more authentic and fulfilling relationships with your SO's.

Most of my blog posts are experiences I've had but there are posts that are informational such as this favorite of mine

In the last seven years, I've posted 209 posts. That's insane! Looking over my blog with the proverbial fine-tooth-comb, I realize that I've shared my heart and soul with you all. I share things with you I wouldn't dare share with anyone who actually knows me. That's how special you all are! Do you realize that?? You, my dear readers, are less judgmental and more accepting of me than family and friends. This fact does bother me on a regular basis, as I wish so much that I could be more authentic myself. Sex is everyone's favorite topic. It's in the news constantly, especially lately with all the allegations of sexual misconduct by all these famous people. If sex is our favorite topic, why do I have to hide behind a pseudonym?? It's for the very reason that in our society, unless you're having vanilla monogamous sex behind closed doors, discreet and un-discussed, you're a freak, you're a sexual deviant, and there's something wrong with you, and you are a threat to society. We use the word "slut" with a wink and a chuckle, because we don't label a woman who enjoys sex without procreation as a negative, but the rest of the world still does, very unfortunately.

Look how white men have tried, and continue to try, to control women's sexuality. Take away our birth control, our rights to abortion, our rights to control our own bodies. The right-wing evangelicals are a threat to our well-being, and yet, here's another one, Judge Roy Moore, who couldn't be more misogynistic and homophobic if he tried, accused by no less than five women now of having had inappropriate conduct with him when they were teenagers. Of course he vehemently denies it! Did anyone think Roy Moore was a decent human being?????

He's really just a metaphor for the whole middle-aged white men, right-wing evangelical movement. I certainly didn't vote for Trump or any of his cronies, because I knew this was where his presidency would go.

I apologize to any middle-aged white men who aren't in that category. I know if you're a reader of my blog you don't subscribe to that mind-set at all. But isn't it interesting that only middle-aged white men are in the so-called "moral majority"??? Do you see any African-Americans in there? Sadly there are a few white women who rally alongside this cluster-fuck of an administration. There's KellyAnne Conway, who someday is going to wake up and realize she's sold her soul to the devil.

We can't go back people. We can't go back to the days of treating women as second-class citizens. How we ever got a president who admitted to just "grab them by the pussy" is beyond me. And now he's overturned Obama's federal protection of African elephants.

Is nothing sacred anymore??????


Well, I will continue to write about sex and enough of the politics. I am a staunch feminist but not the man-hating kind, and I'm not a lesbian. Like I wrote, I love men, I love all kinds of men and I truly believe if more men embrace their feminine side and stand up for the women in their lives, we can overcome gender tyranny. Everyone wins!!!!

It's Friday, go out and get some--bring your lube and wear your condoms but make sure it's consensual!!!!!!!

Love always,


Friday, November 10, 2017

Eskimo Tinder hottie too hot to handle

This has been a strange week. The next day after my date from hell with Gorilla Man, I went back on Tinder (of course :) ) and I matched with a real hottie--long, straight caveman hair, slender build, kind of Eskimo features---high cheekbones and perfect skin. Wow. I wanted in his igloo bad. We began messaging and soon he asked for my Snapchat which I liked bc it lets me know right away if they're the real deal. Do they look like their profile pics?? Snapchat weeds them out.

Well he looked EXACTLY like his profile pics. He was truly one of the most beautiful men I'd ever laid eyes on. I sent a selfie back with a cute heart filter. He was just what my bruised ego needed.


Moments later, my snapchat was flooded with maybe 10 pics he'd sent from his camera roll. Various full body pics, mostly nudes. He was beautiful, no doubt, but fuck! Nudes already??! I barely just "met" you!! So I wrote him, "slow down cowboy, you're going too fast for me."

And guess what he did??

He deleted me!! And he removed me from his Tinder!!! I laughed so hard. All I could think was, "really?? REALLY??!!

I sure attract crazies don't I???

Tinder date from hell

So I matched with a real cutie about 2 weeks ago. Very cute, blue-eyed recent college grad, 23-years-old, lives 8 miles from me. We hit it off right away, and we moved from texting soley on Tinder to Snapchatting and texting quickly. He would write me 24/7, from early morning while getting ready for work to bedtime every night. It has been wonderful. We wanted to meet but I was going out of town so that delayed it.

I really liked his sense of humor, and his self-deprecating wit. I can't stand insecure guys who just boast about themselves or have a slew of selfies on their profiles. This guy and I had the most fun banter I've had with a guy for a long time, and after Hot Lips (who btw disappeared and hasn't been heard from since with the exception of one very sexy full body naked pic a week later) I decided I was going to go slower with the next hottie and develop something more before I jumped into bed with them.

So things were progressing beautifully with the guy above I nicknamed "Gorilla Man" bc he was the hairiest beast I've ever seen. And if you read my blogs you know I like my guys hair-free for the most part (except the top of their head. Gotta have cave-man hair). Even though he was so young, he said he too was looking for a relationship, and didn't care that I was married and he'd be a side-dish. We talked at length about what kind of a relationship we both wanted, I mean, in 2 weeks we covered a lot of bases. It wasn't mostly sexual bc when he'd get sexual I'd stop him and say it was too soon for that. He liked it. He told me he had a huge crush on me and couldn't wait to meet me. He'd send me snapchats off and on all day too, letting me in more every day. Oh, and he was a chess player, so that turned me on more than those blue eyes.

So we finally chose a day and time to meet--I picked the place--a super cute and quiet coffee house halfway between where we both lived, and we'd play chess. We'd been teasing one another back and forth for days who was going to win. I brought one of my chess sets, and at the last minute, I decided to leave it in the car. I told him I only had an hour (I had a dr appt) so I decided I just wanted to focus on him as it was our first time meeting.

I labored what to wear since the weather turned so cold. I chose a low-cut, blue sundress and leather jacket and my best Guess black leather boots. I felt pretty and confident and since he was so funny in texting I knew I was probably going to really like him. I told myself I would let him kiss me if he walked me to my car. THAT'S how much I liked him already.

So you know from the title that things turned bad, so here it goes.

I got there before him, and sat down. I was nervous and didn't know what to do. I texted him "here!" and soon he wrote, "I'm ordering coffee!" I somehow didn't see him come in. I recognized him immediately. He looked just like all his pics. He was cute and wearing a nice cashmere sweater and jeans. There was one person in line behind him, and I didn't have a coffee yet, and he was already paying so he couldn't order one for me, so feeling playful, I went up behind him and put my hands on his back and said, "HI! I didn't see you come in!!!" He turned around and I think he smiled and said hi and asked where I was sitting. I said I hadn't really picked a place yet. He said "ok" and something about going to find a spot. I said "Okay!" It was at the moment that I realized he was super short (I mean I'm five foot two and maybe five-five in my boots) and he kind of looked.....dwarfish??!! He turned the corner and I hadn't had a good look at him, so I thought, maybe not.

A little discombobulated, I ordered my coffee and decided to give him a chance. I absolutely adored his personality. I was going slow these days after all. I texted my hubby, "He's here. He's cute."

I found him sitting at a cute two-top table off to the side, nice and private, and I smiled and said, "Well hi there!! Nice to meet you!" and sat down. He made eye contact, and he was real cute, as cute as he'd looked in all those Snapchat pics he'd sent. I was actually not too nervous once we got settled.

Within a minute or so he took off the cashmere sweater he was wearing as the coffee house was plenty warm. He joked he was a "T-shirt and jeans" kind of guy, and I could see his hairy chest and I was kind of turned on. He had nice muscled biceps too, and he kind of gave off an Alpha male presence that was super hot.

I noticed he was wearing an Apple watch, and seeing as I love my Fitbit Blaze and have been wanting an Apple watch since last Christmas, I asked him about it. I think it caught my eye bc he kept glancing at it. I get that since my Fitbit Blaze sends me all my texts and phone calls, FB messenger and Snapchats. (it would send Tinder too if I let it). He did make conversation, and I felt it was going well. It was like we picked up where we left off through texting. We were laughing and getting along well.

About maybe 10 minutes in, he looks at his Apple watch again, then picks up his phone, and asks me a strange question. He said, "What's it called, the person who's the brother of your grandpa?" I said, "That would be your grand uncle I believe". He responded with a "hmmm", hand on chin, deep in thought. "He died today", he said nonchalantly. "Oh wow! I'm sorry to hear that!" I responded. He let it go for a minute and asked me about my band, like how often we gig and all that and we joked about singing (he said he's a horrible singer) and it was great banter. Then he picked up his phone and said, "would you mind if I call my mom real quick? I'll be right back." What was I to say? "sure, of course" I said nicely, bewildered.

He got up, phone to his ear, and walked around me and out. My phone was on silent in my purse. I reached in and took it out and wrote my hubby, "This is a weird date...not super attracted." I quickly became  annoyed that he got up to make a phone call. Who was he, the President??  I wrote my BFF and told her how he got up to go call his mom.

Suddenly, he popped around the corner, grabbed his sweater, and without missing a beat, said, "I don't mean to be rude but I gotta go!" and he was gone.

I didn't even have a chance to say anything or react. I was just dumbfounded.

I got up and put my jacket on, and went to my car. Trusting and believing him, I wrote, "I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you're ok." He wrote right back, saying simply, "I'm okay. Just worried about my mama." I responded, "It was weird I wasn't sure if you were just giving me a story so you could leave."

He didn't respond. The text turned green (iPhone-to-iPhone texts are blue unless there's no signal) and it appeared he'd never read it. The evening progressed and still no response. Bedtime, still nothing. And this is from the guy who had been texting me 24/7. Such a cavernous difference.

That night I became so incensed I couldn't sleep. I woke up around 5 am just fuming. Finally at 6:43 I texted him, "is that what you did????" He responded immediately, with a screenshot of the text. It was a group text sent from his mom to him and his sister, and says, "Uncle Charles died this morning. This was Daddy's brother. He was only 10 months younger than daddy." There's no date or time on it. For all I know he edited it out. He texted, "I wouldn't quite call this a story." I responded, "well I'm sorry for your loss. But you can't blame me for thinking you just wanted to run out. It's a classic move. Ten minutes into the date a text arrives and you need to leave."

He read it immediately and I've never heard from him since.

I bit my tongue and fingers from typing further, "This is where you say, oh my god I'm so sorry I can totally see how you'd think that. Let me make it up to you." He never did.

So the more I thought about it, the more incensed I became. First of all, who reads their mom's texts while on a date?? Ten minutes in?? If you want to read your fucking texts at least excuse yourself to use the restroom and do it discreetly. Anyone who knows me knows I'm fucking addicted to my phone, yet I had it on silent and stuffed in my purse so I could give him 100% of my attention. And yes, my Fitbit Blaze buzzed a few times so I knew I was getting texts. I was on a date! I didn't look at them. They could wait!! I expect the same from the person I'm with.

Second of all, he shouldn't have sent me that text from his mom, because it just further reveals he DID intend to run out and he used her text as an excuse. She sure didn't seem as upset as he made her out to be, nor was there any emergency of any kind. He created one so he could leave.

Why??? Who knows. I don't care. I deleted him from my Snapchat. I have zero interest in finding out the answer. If he's indignant that I ought to be more sympathetic to his loss he can go fuck himself. It's not like it was a parent or child. It was NOT an emergency, his mother was NOT that upset. He shouldn't have looked at his phone in the first place.

Ugh. Two weeks of wasted time.  I guess this is what dating is.

I'm SO glad I never sent him any nudes.

I walk away from this with my head held high, and all my dignity.

What an ass.

Readers?? Tell me what you think.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Hotel fun with a new Tinder hottie!

Friday night was AMAZING.

For the last two weeks, a hottie I'll call Hot Lips I matched with on Tinder had been snapchatting me literally 24/7. First thing in the morning and last thing at night. Always a selfie pic, he'd send me all day long while he was at work and it would taper off in the evenings, but he always said "goodnight beautiful" and "good morning beautiful." I loved it. He's 23, a semi-pro baseball player and super good looking. Blue eyes, lots of muscles, big full lips and a beautiful smile. A very happy-go-lucky guy, not a depressed, moody one like New Guy or Rocker Boy finally!! He seemed to be the kind of person who was just what I'm looking for. He was sweet, super-complimentary (which I love) and never expected anything in return. Truly, a very nice guy overall. I def hit the jackpot.

He was very respectful too and asked before sending any nude pics, and I love that. I was quickly smitten.

We wanted to meet ASAP. And lo and behold, I was telling my hubby I needed a getaway. A night in a nice hotel, a good night's sleep, and no cats climbing on me or kids. The weather was shitty-five straight days in a row of misty rain, wind and cold. So we booked a room at a 5-star hotel and settled in for a nice dinner.

I was also texting another hottie while we were sitting at the bar later after dinner, but it was Hot Lips who was on his way. I was SO excited to meet him. After two weeks of 24/7 snapchatting I liked him a lot. He was very sweet, very complimentary and just a real nice guy. (whoops! I already said that!!)

The plan was for my hubby to stay in the bar while I took him to our room. And that's what we did.

Hot Lips texted me, "where are you? I'm here!" LOL somehow we missed each other when he entered the lobby. I wrote back I was in the front of the lobby and all of a sudden there he was! He was even cuter in person. I'm all about cute. Ballcap, plaid button-down shirt, khakis. Those big blue eyes and full lips and a huge smile. We embraced in a big hug and I was already giggly. I get that way when I'm super excited. We sat down on the overstuffed leather couch that was there and chatted for about ten minutes. I was a lil drunkie and super giggly. I felt so comfortable with him, and we really clicked. I felt like I'd known him forever, there was just an ease about him that was tangible. I could tell he really liked me too.

I don't remember saying it, but next thing I knew we were in the elevator! I really shouldn't drink so much bc I have trouble remembering details and that really bugs me. The next thing i remember is him sliding my spaghett straps off my shoulders so elegantly, and he began kissing my breasts and sucking my nipples. And we kissed. Those lips!! He was a gentle wet kisser, and it was sweet--he wasn't like a vacuum cleaner sucking the air out of me. He was very gentle in everything he did, but he was very Alpha male and I loved it. He took charge and he was so good and flawless he set a new bar for sex for me!

I remember him untying my shoes. I was wearing a pair of Sam Edelman's that are beige suede and like ballerina shoes, they have long ties that tie around my ankles. It was so sexy watching him untie them for me and slip them off my feet.

He then took my dress and pulled it down and slid it off me, and next, gently slid my panties off. And subsequently, buried his head between my legs. It was yummy yummy yummy. He then licked me up my body up to my breasts again, and kissed me passionately. I loved loved loved how he took charge. He was the man and I was his woman. But his moves weren't aggressive at all but rather almost choreographed they were so flawless. I could tell he was really into me.

I loved watching him undress. I don't think I helped him, which is odd bc it's one of my favorite things to do in the entire world! A new man to undress like the biggest gift behind the Christmas tree! I think he just wanted his clothes off and next thing I knew, he was big and warm and naked and embracing me. His dick was straight out and super hard.

He gently took my legs and spread them and entered me, kissing me passionately. Not pulling out, he swung my legs over like a pretzel and fucked me hard. It felt amazing. He's a big guy, not skinny and small like Jordan or Rocker Boy, more like Blondie. Not fat but big--he's a baseball player and full of muscles but not ripped ya know? (I hate ripped). He was strong and young and solid and oh so sexy.

He'd pull out and change positions, each time taking charge and moving my body the way he wanted to fuck me. Me on top, him on top, him behind me, my legs in the air, you name it, we did it. I sucked his dick and he licked my pussy. It felt like we were so hungry for one another.

I'm happy to report that he made me cum!! I almost never cum with anyone but my husband bc if their technique is too hard (Rocker Boy) or they give up too soon (all of them) but Hot Lips was THE BEST I'VE EVER HAD. (next to hubby). He fingered me and thank GOD didn't shove his fingers in me. I absolutely hate when guys do that. I don't mind a fun exploration into my pussy but when they shove their fingers in like they're eating frosting out of a can it's painful and not at all pleasant. He didn't do that at all!!! He actually was stroking me with the right amount of pressure and his fingers were just to the left of where I wanted them to be. I moved them with my hand and BOOM!!!!! HUGE ORGASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! As I screamed in ecstasy I clutched him tightly and he basked in my glory. He was watching me and smiling and I thanked him with a giggle and he passionately kissed me.

Then it was his turn.

I loved that when he came, it was in a position where he could see my face. I hate how Abercrombie always had to cum doggy style. Nothing says "you're as special as a glory hole" like cumming doggy style. It's ok if it's a sometimes-thing but always??? That's why I lost interest in him. Yuk. Left me feeling so used.

Hot Lips was not only facing me but kissing me as he came. He was on the bottom, or should I say on his side, his arms totally around me like an embrace, and my legs were in the air. He finally came, and it was interesting bc he literally made almost no sound at all, it was almost like an "ahhhhh". Not at all like me when he made ME cum! I just wanted to fall asleep with him, our bodies still wrapped up together. But I remembered my husband was downstairs waiting for us to finish so he could come up and get his creampie. Hot Lips wanted to spend the night, and I wanted him to also. But how could I do that with my husband there?? I couldn't. I had to lie and make up an excuse that I wasn't spending the night, that I just got the room to meet up with him.

Yeah, like people do that LOL well Hotel 6 they do, not five-star hotels. I'm sure that looked and sounded ridic.

I had no idea how long we were at it, but I was guessing at least an hour (hubby later said hour and a half!). He got up and went to the bathroom, with the door open!! I wanted to watch SO BADLY but I thought I shouldn't. Because I'd get horny all over again and that wouldn't be fair to my hubby!! I wanted to fuck Hot Lips all night. I didn't want him to go. And I liked that he wanted to spend the night too. Oh well. Maybe next time we both said.

He had Uber'd there and I asked him if he had called for a car. He said he hadn't yet but was going to. He got dressed--I grabbed a super cute short-tight burgundy lace see-through nightgown I had brought and put it on. We kissed goodbye, and he left. I texted my hubby and he was up lickety-split in no time! I asked him if he saw him leave, and he said he did, that he thought he was real cute.

My hubby's dick was hard and ready. He licked me first and then fucked me fast and hard and he was done. He'd been downstairs knowing I was fucking this young guy and he couldn't hold back another second. Unlike Hot Lips, he came so loudly I'm sure anyone could've heard. We laughed and fell soundly asleep.

What a fun night!!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Boring night turns exciting

Traveling alone can be so much naughty fun! I got into some mischief this week doing just that.

I was in California last week visiting my elderly father and extended family, staying at a very nice hotel, the kind that has a Starbucks in the lobby, valet and room service 24/7. My kind of accommodations. I had spent the day with my dad and one of my brothers, a somewhat exhausting day of errands and I'd set up a cell phone and Netflix on my dad's television. Not being very good with wires and cable connectors I nevertheless got it all connected and working. I left his house around 9 pm when I saw my dad start yawning and drove the 15 minutes to my hotel. The night was young and I wanted to have some fun.

I'd been snapchatting a hottie I matched with on Tinder from LA off and on; a cute 24 year old who resembled Zacky Vengeance from the band Avenged Sevenfold. Black hair, blue eyes, lots of muscles, a guitairst. We'd almost hooked up in March when I visited last but it didn't happen. I didn't forget him, and once I had a plane ticket, I let him know I'd be coming and wanted to see him.

I went to my room, took a shower and freshened up. I put on a sexy off-white spaghetti-strapped cocktail dress and stilettos. No bra. I took the elevator down to the hotel bar, which thankfully was booming with attractive young people in various suits and dresses. A convention possibly?? I sat down at the only available bar stool. To my right was a somewhat frumpy couple in their 50's, and they were arguing, and to my left were two white executives in the 60's. I felt the eyes turn to me as I ordered a glass of Cabernet. The bartender was acting like Frankenstein--his eyes glazed as if he were a homeless man presented with an entire Thanksgiving dinner. It made me uncomfortable. The TV's that were on were all sports and not much to look at, and I didn't want to just stare into my phone. The guy I was snapchatting wasn't going to make it after all, so I was back to square one.

The older executives made small talk to me and they were actually quite funny. Thankfully they weren't flirting, and soon left. Two guy took their spots--a guy in cargo shorts, a black T-shirt and ball cap, and next to me, a very good-looking guy in expensive jeans, boat shoes, and a button-down shirt missing the cufflinks. He had blonde short cropped hair and plopped down on the bar stool with  his back to me, facing his friend. He sat with one leg crossing the other in a very open swagger that let me know he was hot-to-trot.

His friend must've said something to him about me because it wasn't five seconds later he twirled around and said a 'helloooooooo" that was as cliche and hilarious as they come. He was already tipsy and was drinking a mojito. I glanced at his friend and he had a sort of embarrassed wing-man face. Sort of like, "oy vay, here we go again". I chuckled to myself and knew that this was going to be entertaining.

He was a bit of a goofball; he was over-the-top enamored of me and I was enjoying the attention mainly because he was very good-looking. I could tell he had money by the way he was dressed. He was very alpha male, which I have to say alternately turns me on and turns me off. I like my men effeminate and he really wasn't, but he was very cute. He had dimples and blue eyes and didn't talk "at" me but "to" me. And I really had nothing better to do than sit alone in my room and I wanted something more than that.

He gave me all his attention. I learned he was 38 (old for me!! LOL) and a divorced dad with a 12 year old son he'd brought along with his friend who was also divorced with a 12 year old son. They lived in Canada (I don't remember where) and they came to take their boys to Disneyland. I asked, "where's your boys?" He answered they were up in their room playing video games. He asked if I was alone and I said yes. He saw my wedding ring and asked, "you're married?" I answered, "yes", and he let my answer just hang there. No other questions.

As I sipped my wine (I got a refill from Frankenstein) this handsome hottie was making an obvious play for me. Two or three times he'd be saying something and then playfully insert "and your room number is....???" To which I'd say, "I'm not giving you my room number!" He loved the game, the chase, and so did I. I was having fun.

I've honestly never been hit on.

Mostly because everywhere I go, I'm with my husband. We go out a lot but we're always together. This was really the first time I'd been in a bar and gotten hit on.. I'm severely out of practice, but I was learning as it was happening.

Mostly, I knew that as much as I liked this hottie I'll call Canada, he was not getting in my bed. And the harder he tried, the more fun it was to keep saying no.

The TV's had on all the sports highlights, and it just so happened that the Packers had won earlier in the day, so we talked about that. About how I live in Wisconsin. He called me a Cheesehead and we joked about his Canadian accent.  He asked for my room number again and when I said I wasn't going to give it to him, he admitted that he'd tried with a couple of women at a nearby table he pointed out to me. That was all it took for me to cement my stand that he wasn't going to get anywhere with me. What a turnoff! He was just a guy looking to get laid and wasn't too choosy. He saw me as little more than a conquest. And he apparently knew he was hot and that was both annoying, and yes, hot.

I did like him but was not going to let him have me that easily. He was very charming.  I'd decided I would let him kiss me eventually. He really wasn't my type at all--like I said, I like rocker types and men on the effeminate side, but he was really fun. We were laughing and getting along well. And again, I had nothing better to do.

I'd finished my second glass of wine, and I was thinking about what would be fun with him. I remembered that the hotel's rooftop pool was nicely landscaped, and since it was a beautiful warm evening, maybe we should go for a walk. So I suggested to him just that.

And he jumped at it.

I asked Frankenstein the bartender to get my bill, and when he presented it to me, Canada plunked down a hundred dollar bill and paid for it, leaving a $20 bill as a tip. As if Frankenstein was complicit in him leaving the bar with me. It all made me chuckle. The attention was really so fun. I found myself really liking it because the guys I see back home are just so fucking lazy!! And Rocker Boy has gone completely AWOL and I was just ripe for someone to pay attention to me and make me feel special and pretty you know??

Drinks in hand, we walked to the elevator, and when the doors shut, his gentlemanly side showed and he asked if he could kiss me. I said yes. He pressed his body up against mine and gave me a deep and affectionate kiss. He was delicious. I was tipsy by this point and the night felt perfectly romantic. The elevator ride wasn't long enough and suddenly the doors opened. We parted and got out, and I led him to the door to the rooftop pool. It was really a perfect night---close to 80 degrees and it was probably around 11 o'clock. The landscaping was so pretty; lights around the trees and plants curving around the fenced-in pool. I was hoping the hot tub was still open but it wasn't.

We stopped by some outdoor tables and he stopped with the charm and let his guard down. I really liked it. He started telling me about his divorce and how he's got full custody of his son and all.
He'd said that he was taking his son to Hollywood the next day, but would be staying one more night and then flying home. I said, "where's your phone?" He said, "Up in my room, my son has it." I said, "well, give me your number". He did, and I texted him so he'd have mine. I showed him my text and said, "there ya go. Tell you what. Play your cards right and maybe you'll have my room number tomorrow night." He said, "What do you mean?" I said, 'Text me and tell me how much you're thinking about me and can't wait to see me. Make me feel special." He said, "I can do that".

And suddenly we noticed that there was a couple in a window above us that was having sex! It appeared a woman was on her hands and knees giving some guy a blow job! We giggled and said, "that's hot!!"That's all he needed to get the courage to make a move on me and in seconds he was inches from me. He put his drink down on a nearby glass-top table. took mine from my hand, and started kissing me.  I let him. I felt that electrical surge course all through my body, and yes, my lady-parts, and I felt myself changing my mind about fucking him. I could feel his hard dick as he kissed me, deep and passionately, and I was super turned on. His kisses went from my mouth to my neck, to my cleavage, to my nipples as he used one hand to gently move the spaghetti strap aside. I felt my body melting into his and for a few seconds there, I just wanted to rip his clothes off. Unbeknownst to him, my room was right around the corner. Same floor.

We broke apart and he ruined the moment by putting his hand on his zipper. No way. I was done. I wasn't going to have outdoor sex with 300 rooms with windows all facing us. I moved it and said, "I'm walking you to the elevator." I started to walk towards the gate and he followed. He said, "So you're really not going to invite me to your room?" and I said, "Nope! That would ruin it." He looked like I'd taken his Halloween candy and pouted. I left him at the elevator with a short kiss, turned and walked away. I was worried he'd try to follow but he didn't.

Then next day, I didn't hear from him until 10:35 pm. He didn't know it but he'd blown it. I didn't meet up with him. I was disappointed to be honest. I was turned on all day thinking about fucking him but he couldn't even text once??? I finally wrote him back around midnight and just said sorry I'm out.

The next day I texted him, and we've been texting back and forth. He admitted he didn't think he'd hear from me again and I quote, "I'm in. I'm so turned on just talking to you." So this is fun. Who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again sometime in the future, or maybe we will MAKE them cross.

And THEN the sex will be amazing.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Rocker Boy rocks my world

Well, well, well my dear sexy readers, HAVE I GOT A STORY TO TELL YOU!!!!!!!

I just re-read my last post "Rocker Boy's Surprise Return" and just had to snicker because when I think of him now I think about the hot naked guy in my bed who I made cum three times.

Heh heh heh heh yeah!!!! RIGHT????!!! WHOA ANNA WHAT THE FUCK??!!!!

So in between that last blog post and last week, Rocker Boy one night had called me SEVEN TIMES between 3:30 am-5am. I never picked up. In the morning I texted him that I turn my phone off at night (which I do). I can't be his rescuer, I can't be the one to talk him off the ledge, and I needed to set a boundary with him. I decided he was probably gay anyways and so took my expectations about him down to the friend zone. If he really did like me he's the slowest ever to act on it so what the fuck. We'd been texting back and forth here and there mostly just to try to agree to meet up for coffee and nothing more. Except for saying that one time that "if something more happened that would be okay too" he's never flirted, never gave me any sign he was interested in anything more than friendship, especially after flaking out about meeting me on my way home from the airport.

So last week my hubby was out of town for work, and I had a whole week ahead of me with nothing more than just tennis and errands to look forward to. I should say that New Guy is completely out of the picture. Boring--no story to tell I'm just fed up and bored with him.  I had been texting Asian Stripper Boy a lot--he was SO attentive. Texting and Snapchatting me 24/7, saying the most sensual things to me, like "I love making you happy" and "OMG baby I just want to make you happy" and it goes on and on and on. So of course I had him in mind to fuck since he was so attentive and I've had fun with him before, it has just been over a year tho. So I decided I wanted to meet him for a drink first, not just have him show up, because what if I'm not attracted to him anymore? He's super flaky and even tho he's super hot, he seems to live a very fast lifestyle and I don't want to catch anything from him, so I thought I'd slow him down and meet up with him first.

We had plans Tuesday night to meet at this cute new bar that just went up and he wrote and cancelled. Said "family emergency" which I knew was a lie. He begged for me to try for the next night instead. I said "sure". I mean I had no other plans so why not. I didn't care really either way.

So Wednesday night I had a girl's dinner first, and I got a text from him mid-dinner, "I'm so sorry can we rain check i know I'm the worst rn". I didn't respond. Sooooo done.

Instead I wrote Rocker Boy, "What are u doing tonight? I had a date. He flaked on me" with a laughing till you're crying emoji. It'was 7:30-ish. He wrote right back he was at band practice til 8. I said, "awesome I'm at dinner. Let's get a drink somewhere". He didn't respond til 9:05, and at this point I was home and already tipsy from three glasses of wine and no dinner (what is it with chicks? Appetizers? We shared three bruschettas for 9 people. No one ordered dinner. I should have).

So I just said, "Home! You should come over. Empty house!" He asked for my address. He said, "you live in my hometown!" and he knew exactly where I lived just by the address. I raced around the house lighting candles. I didn't need to pick up thankfully bc my house was spotless.

He got here around 10:30pm. I wish I hadn't been so drunky but in a way it was good bc I was nervous. I had no idea what to expect. Why was he here??? I really didn't know what to expect.

I was so excited to see him though. He's so cute. Like Jordan, he's just my type--skinny rocker boy, lots of hair, looks sexy in skinny jeans and a band T-shirt. He's got the prettiest blue eyes too, shoulder-length black hair, messy and sexy. And great teeth and smile. I mean I'd had a crush on him for a year! It was just never reciprocated.

He came in and we went into the kitchen. He was very complimentary about the house. He was chatty, it was really a relief. Telling me about how he grew up near here, told me about his mom who has 4 cats (my dog and cat came up to greet him).

He sat down at the kitchen island and I asked him if he wanted a drink. I have quite a cabinet of alcohol with just about anything anybody could want LOL and sure enough I had what he wanted, rum and coke. First tho we did a shot of Fireball (my favorite). While he sipped his drink we chatted, I honestly don't remember about what though, and I don't remember how he got into my bed but next thing I knew we were naked and fucking! It was awesome! I had put on some EDM and with the candles everything looked so inviting. I love fucking and fucking like this when everything is quiet perfect. And probably I was a little too drunkie but I love that out-of-body feeling when you just merge with that other person, ya know? I used to feel that sober with Blondie. And of course I always feel that with my hubby but it's rare I ever feel that with someone else, so this was just what I had been wanting. I missed that feeling since Blondie ended things with me and this was the first time in almost 2 years I'd felt it with someone. Rocker Boy's small body and mine just fit so well together. I rode him like a wild cowgirl and when he went down on me, I grabbed that messy hair of his and shoved his face in my pussy and let him know how much I loved it.

We fell asleep wrapped up together like the cover of an erotic novel, our arms and legs and bodies entangled together. The cat jumping on the bed at dawn awoke us both, and as I opened my eyes I saw our bodies were still touching. We were 'spooning", his back was to me but my body was pressed up against his. Next thing I knew, he reached for me without turning around, caressing my hips, he then found my hand and squeezed it. Right then he flipped over and faced me and greeted me with a nice big hard dick. He started kissing me and I thought "omg morning breath" and oddly enough I was too dreamy and sleepy for it to really register and just kissed him back! And you know what all that kissing leads to hehehehe and "spooning leads to forking" and sure enough we were fucking again.

We fell back asleep again afterwards, cuddled up with one another again. It was so intimate and felt amazing and loving.

I woke up around 8:30, which for a weekday was really late. He was sound asleep, and I was restless, so I got up and made a pot of coffee, brushed my teeth, went to the bathroom and I won't apologize for this but put on a little make-up so I wouldn't look so horrifying when he woke up! I went back to bed and distracted myself with Facebook, my words with friends games, and various other time-wasters.I texted my hubby and we chatted for awhile--I wanted to make sure he knew what I was up to and make sure he was still ok with it all. He def was thankfully.

I was getting annoyed Rocker Boy was still asleep. I really didn't have anything going on ironically; my tennis match, I had NO appointments to go to, so I didn't have anything better to do than be with this hot man. I began texting my BFF. I told her, "there's a man in my bed and he ain't my husband!" She had been dying to hear from me since the night before when I wrote her that Asian Stripper Boy flaked on me and that Rocker Boy was coming over.

I think it got to be around 10:00 or so, and I was really bored and didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to leave, but I was bored watching him sleep. I never even got up to have a cup of the coffee I'd made. I don't know why! I guess I just forgot about it. I hadn't had any guy sleep over since Jordan did three years ago! I was baffled what to do. What was the etiquette???!!

My hubby said, "wake him with a BJ". I said, "really?? Won't he be annoyed I woke him?" He said, "Trust me. If he's annoyed you woke him with his dick in your mouth than kick him out!!!" I said, "okey doke!" So that's what I did. He was laying on his side with his back to me, and I just gently moved my body so it was touching his, and he stirred. I let my hand lightly touch him--his back, his cute butt, his thighs, and he stirred more and as he was turning over to face me I just took that hardening cock in my mouth and began sucking him. He moaned and squirmed in ecstasy. I was happy my hubby was right! He wasn't annoyed at all! He loved it! As I sucked and licked him I'd glance up at his face and he was staring right at me. It was so fun. He stroked my hair affectionately and watched me please him.

Then he put his hands on my face and gently took my mouth off of him. He put his hands on my waist and hips and pulled me on top of him. I fucked that boy hard while he sucked my nipples and he came so fast. Afterwards we laid there in each other's arms again and we both fell asleep. I felt so happy and loved and safe and it was really awesome.

Soon tho we both awoke again, and I asked him if he was hungry. He said, "YES!!" I said "me too! How about some scrambled eggs and toast?" He said "sounds awesome!" So I put on a sexy bralette and lingerie shorts and went downstairs and made us some food. He came down and looked so sexy, his hair all tousled. He was happy and we both sat down on the tall chairs on the kitchen island. It was awkward though--I found myself stammering and finally turned on the TV news for some sound. He wasn't chatty at all like he'd been the night before, and I found myself not knowing what to say or do. So when that happens I get MORE chatty and don't even realize I'm doing it, but he seemed to like hearing me talk LOL I showed him pics of our trip to Burning Man and he seemed interested.

I felt like I was ready for him to go then. He said he had to work at 1:30, and it was like noonish. I told him he could shower if he wanted to, and he said that sounded awesome. We went upstairs and I got him a big fluffy towel, told him to use whatever was in there and enjoy! I closed the door to give him privacy and just left him alone. I made the bed and then just sat and played with my phone while I waited for him. I pondered, "should I go shower with him? " Again, "whats the etiquette here??" I decided since he had to go to work that I'd leave him alone. He was probably in "work mode".

After he showered and dressed we went back upstairs and chatted for a bit about his job (he's a writer for a website) which is cool! And then it came time for him to leave. It still felt like there was so much awkwardness, and I'm pretty sure I hugged him and we kissed a perfunctory kiss at the door. Not very romantic but he was so quiet it made it awkward for me. I wished he'd just grabbed me and kissed me hard but he didn't so I was busy being self-conscious.

He left happily I thought, on a good note I hoped, and well, he did text me later that day but I haven't heard much from him since.

There's a major snag I'll tell you about next time. I did something I guess I shouldn't have done.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Rocker Boy's surprise return!!!

Around 5:30 am two weeks I was barely awake, standing in my bathroom in the dimmest light possible, putting my makeup on, getting ready for a flight to DC to meet my hubby who was there for work. Suddenly, I get a private message from none other than Rocker Boy!! Now before I tell you what he said, let me refresh your memory that I have NOT spoken to him at all ever since the day we met at one of my band's performances. I'll attach the link to the blog post. Basically, he was there with his friends and it was an instant crush on my part, but he apparently didn't feel the same and I pretty much forgot about him.

I did see him a few months ago at a charity thing he had for his friend/girlfriend/faghag (who knows??) who died suddenly of an aneurysm about 8 months ago. It was at a rock bar with lots of bands performing (including him) and I deliberately sought him out to give him a hello hug and make sure he knew I was there. It felt obligatory for him so I just let it go. That was April or May I think, and even though we're FB friends (and have like 200 mutual friends) we are in different social circles and just haven't crossed paths either. I assumed he was gay and his friend/gf/faghag Cindy who died was just a friend.

And then there was this message from him, which literally stopped me dead in my tracks. He wrote, "Are you awake I really need to talk to someone really bad right now I know it's a crazy hour but i don't really care right now anymore, I'm falling apart".

Did you just have a heart attack too?? That was my reaction. Fucking heart attack. WHOA ROCKER BOY WHAT THE FUCK????

I'm ordinarily never ever ever awake before 6:40 am so obviously, the Universe was there for him and I was indeed awake. I wrote back something to the effect of "yes I'm here what's going on?" We texted back and forth for a little bit but he wanted me to call him so I did. Here I was rushing to catch a plane and I'm trying to save someone's life at the same time. I couldn't ignore him. This wasn't what I wanted with him and frankly, it was more disconcerting than anything else and I was so distracted trying to get ready and pack.

He seemed totally fine on the phone. He has a lilting voice, it was positive actually and surprising bc I've only said like 3 words to him ever, and here he was, it was dawn and he was pouring out his heart to me. Basically, he was still grieving the loss of his beloved Cindy (who I came to assume was indeed a GF----guess he's not gay after all?) and he said he'd started dating someone new and after 2 weeks she went back to her abusive ex and why would she do that? etc. He was heartbroken and guess he was pretty low. After dealing with New Guy and HIS depression I  just thought, I can't date any more depressed men. It's too exhausting and they're too hit and miss. And I was so certain Rocker Boy was gay anyways, I didn't really feel flirty talking to him or anything. I needed to assess, was he a danger to himself?? Was I talking someone off a ledge?? I was mostly panicky talking to him, even though he sounded totally lucid and fine, talking about bands and music and all. It started to feel like, did you think you needed to sound desperate to have an excuse to write me?? Is this a ruse?? I was very confused, and it didn't help that it wasn't even sunrise and I was rushing to get out of the house.

What was awesome though was we were super revealing with one another. Without saying "I'm married but in an open relationship"---which I think he already surmised---I was commiserating and said I'd been in a 7 week relationship last year which was very short like his (really?? two weeks and he's devastated??? Hmmm...) and he was responding well. I knew he needed mostly to vent and have his feelings validated so that's what I mostly did. I did say I needed to get off the phone and get going, and that I wished he'd contacted me yesterday, LOL I could've gone to see him and given him a hug. He said he wished he had. I said "well consider yourself hugged right now" and reassured him that I was still available to talk and text, I just had a plane to catch and had to get going. I had told him that I liked him from that first day we met and he revealed he'd "never stopped thinking about me" which totally took me by surprise. I was totally taken aback. And then, the whopper.

I know he lives near the airport, and I suggested stopping by on my way home from the airport. I was only going to be gone 3 days. I said I could deliver that hug in person. He said he'd totally love that, and (here it comes) "if it leads to more that would be totally okay too".


This was shocking information!!! I thought he was gay!!!

So I was like, "really??? You'd want that?" and he responded, "I've always wanted that!' which shocked me even more! I felt like, 'really dipshit??? I kissed you the day we met. It doesn't get more obvious than that. And more than a year later you're telling me you've "always wanted that"??!!

So we left it at that. That was the plan, I was going to stop and see him on the way home from the airport three days from now. And he thanked me profusely for being there for him, he was super sweet and complimentary, it was an amazing phone call. I felt all day like I'd dreamed it. It was so strange and wonderful.

And he texted me off and on all day, then it slowed as the couple of days went by, and then, I hadn't heard from him much at all my last day in DC. I wanted to know if I was still stopping to see him on the way home from the airport (I would've worn something sexier on the plane if I was; if I wasn't, I'd go the comfort route). He hadn't written, "Are you still coming to see me tomorrow on your way home from the airport?" which I should've just left alone and realized he was a flake, but I poked him anyways to get a response. At 10:40 am I finally wrote, "My flight gets in at 9:20 tonight. I can totes stop and see you". Five minutes later he wrote, "have a safe flight". Yeah. Nothing about "yes! come see me!" so I was super annoyed at him and felt so used. What a jerk.

So here's the kicker.

I bump into his best buddy at that same bar I met them both at a year ago. And he's closer to my age. A totally cute aging rocker. At least 50 and he's in a punk band, plays bass. He's truly awesome but i'm not attracted of course, we're just buddies. So we're drinking and hanging out and I start asking him about Rocker Boy. Now mind you, he's his BEST FRIEND. He totally rags on him. He said, "he does that. He writes tons of chicks on FB and gets their sympathy." I said that's totally fucked. He said "yep it is". I said how I totally liked him and told him what he said to me and how he flaked out on me. Jokingly, which is this guys' style, said, "(my name) if you mess around with him I will totally lose respect for you!" I said, "what???why???" he said how he uses women by getting their sympathy and then drops them. I told him what he said and all and he just shook his head like he already knew what I was going to say.  I said I'd had a crush on him for a year and just gave up bc I thought he was gay!" He laughed and said, "well, he won't go down on ya so that's all I know!" I was like whoa. Hmmm. So yeah, I got over Rocker Boy quick.

Sooooo not interested anymore.

And New Guy? He's in and out as usual. Flaked on me this week.

Back on Tinder looking for someone new. Tired of these flakes.

Found someone a decade older who's the spitting image of Mickey. He gave me his number and we're texting.

I'm smitten! I'll call him MickeyTwin.

Have a great week you sexy people.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

New Guy steps up

After a two-month lull, New Guy is back and more attentive than ever. Seems he had a lot going on--a new full-time job as well as he and his roommate moved to a new apartment. I have a genuine fondness for him and he is really starting to grow on me. He is SOOOO different from Blondie it makes me realize that Blondie would have to change like 180 degrees for me to ever take him back.

I had driven the 25 min drive to his new place, and he had been messaging me the whole time. He was telling me where to park and also that he wanted to watch "Game of Thrones" with me and his roommate! I should suffice this by saying he and his roommate are childhood friends and he has always wanted me to meet him. (No funny business. He's not that way). What I'm saying is, he is wanting me to be more like a girlfriend. He had wanted me to stay and get food and watch the show with them, he wanted me to spend the night. He didn't want me to leave, and when I explained I couldn't he understood.

And the sex is delicious. We came together! That's never happened to me, as much as everyone always says "oh coming together at the same time is amazing" well in theory it is but I kind of had to stop my orgasm so he could finish his so that kind of didn't really work, but I told him we will try again next time. We are going to keep taking it up a notch. That really excites me. I told him, "we have mad chemistry!" He giggled and agreed.

And afterwards, he asked again if I'd stay, caressing my arm. Later, in front of his roommate, he just gushed, "you're so soft! Your skin is sooo soft!!!" as he caressed my arm. Here's another example of how different he is from Blondie. He'd asked me to take them to the corner market for beer (they were both high, I was sober). So we all got in my car and New Guy just was gushing about me to his roommate. He was telling him about how I'm a singer and about my kid applying for med school. He said more than once, "isn't she gorgeous??" He complimented my car, my hair, everything about me. He reminded me of a little kid who just had his first day of kindergarten and came running home to his mom to tell her all about it. He was soooo excited to share things about me to his roommate, and we all got along great, and it was just, so so good for my soul.

And.....he's asked me several times to come visit him at his new job! He's a bartender. And he got upset when I said I'd come one day and turned out I couldn't.

This is something Blondie would never do. I was an embarrassment to him, he couldn't take me out in public, and New Guy can't wait to show me off. I knew if I just kept looking I'd find someone who would treat me the way I want to be treated. Like a princess.

 I decided right then and there to let him in.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Someone very special boomerangs!!!!

I apologize to you, my dear readers, for the lack of blog posts. I seriously didn't have much to write about. UNTIL TODAY!!!!!! I promise I'll catch you all up in another blog post. I had a date two nights ago that I am dying to share with you.

I had a date with JORDAN!!! YES JORDAN!! HOT, LONG-HAIRED SEXY GUITARIST JORDAN!! It all came about so quickly too.

I'm horrible at remembering anything, especially my friends' birthdays, and THANK GOD for technology bc I have put as many in my phone calendar as I can remember to do so.

And as of July 1st, it reminded me with a sweet little chime that it was Jordan's birthday.

Hmm, I thought. Do I write him? We aren't FB friends, but we do follow each other on Instagram. Last I checked, he was very much in a serious relationship with a hot redhead (hmmm! Guess he likes redheads!! LOL) and I honestly had not looked him up in ages. Exactly a year to be exact since we're being exact. I went to my Instagram and went to his profile and saw that a year ago to the day, I had wished him a happy birthday. And he had responded ASAP, flirty and sexy as always, but unavailable. And as I was re-reading his messages from back then, I kept scrolling and saw that a few months prior to the birthday messages, he'd messaged me out of the blue, saying "I just saw your picture pop up and it made me horny". We'd chatted briefly and he said he was still with his GF so it didn't go any further.

So of course I messaged him, "happy birthday sexy man!" and he responded right away, Thank you so much! I miss you baby." And that was the beginning of us reuniting Tuesday night.

We exchanged snapchat names and it took off wildly from there. Holy fuck. For a small guy he sure does have a huge cock. AND THAT HAIR!!! It's waist-length and I was surprised it's not blonde anymore, but as he said, it's "back to its natural color." He's still so gorgeous I actually barely noticed it wasn't blonde. 

We'd been trying to get together since his birthday but I had family in from out of town so I wasn't able to go see him. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer, I hated saying no to him repeatedly so I lied to family (extended, not my hubby) and drove the 45 min drive to his apartment.

It is so exciting going to a guys' apartment. I prefer it to hotel rooms or my house. It gives me a glimpse into their private lives, and as a married woman, the truth is, these guys don't really let me in to the extent they would a REAL girlfriend, so any chance I have of getting to know them better I grab and run with. 

He was so cute, messaging me on Snapchat and sending me pics of his smiling face and huge cock while I was getting ready to go see him. He even said he was vacuuming and cleaning for me. How adorable!! And when I got to his place, it was practically spotless. I felt respected. Just like Blondie always cleaned his apartment for me. I always remember that guy Steve who I drove all the way to Kenosha to see and his place looked like the typical frat house. I nearly tripped several times stepping over piles of clothes and shoes, furniture and trash, pizza boxes even. I know these guys are young and broke, but being a slob isn't about income. It's about respect.

On the way over to Jordan's, he messaged me he would be in bed naked waiting for me. I was like, "YIKES!!" I do NOT like that. I am the kind of girl that loves foreplay. Everything leading up to the getting naked part. It's like fast-forwarding to the final scene of a movie, or the last chapter of the book. You already know the ending!! What fun is that??

So I said, "YIKES!"  to him! And I tried to seductively let him know I prefer to unwrap my own Christmas presents thank you! So he did. He put on his black skinny jeans and a shirt. I said thank you! And sure enough, he greeted me at the door fully dressed. I was very relieved! I mean, I have not seen him in almost 3 years??? And he's going to be sitting there waiting for me naked?? I mean I AM A SURE THING bc I've been with him before but still!!! I loves me a little mystery.

And good thing, bc we sat on the couch for about 45 min talking. It was so fun catching up with him. Had we gone straight to sex I'm sure there wouldn't have been any intimacy, and I felt like I could talk to him all night. That's the thing about being married-I don't have all night, I usually am good for just a couple hours then I need to leave and be somewhere else. 

As we talked, he always made eye contact, and I always felt my heart flutter. He told me I was more beautiful than he remembered (oh, btw, did I forget to tell you I got breast implants???) He loved them! But his compliments go beyond the physical. He said something to me I never want to forget. '

We were catching up, and he was asking me all sorts of questions (" what's new? what have you been up to?" "Tell me about that pic on your fb!") oh btw we are now fb friends too!! (happy dance!!) I ended up telling him about how I'm about to become an "empty nester" (he has a 7 year old son himself so he could only imagine!) and I was saying I have dreams of writing a book and maybe starting my podcast up. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, that I have a "soothing, beautiful voice" and that he loves to hear me talk and that a podcast is "perfect for me". That people will love my voice and "flock" to me.


And so of course I got online first thing today to explore how to get this podcast thing going. I've had tech problems and just been too busy to figure it all out. I'm motivated now. WAYYYYYY motivated.

As we were chatting, his hand finally came to rest on my thigh. Oh! I forgot to tell you, I wasn't wearing much hehehehe I had bought a Spandex, super-tight stretchy red dress at a costume store for the 4th of July parade I ended up not going to. And stillettos. And a thong and that's it, and of course, my enormous breasts were spilling out of it. It was getting late--I didn't get there till around 9:30 and had to get home by 11-ish so I kind of abruptly looked at the clock and said I needed to get going. He must've thought I was leaving without fucking him so I said, "let's get busy!" so cliche and stupid but I was a bit nervous. No alcohol in me. That's never good lol

We just leaned towards each other and started making out. He was slow and passionate, and soon I climbed onto his lap. He buried his face in my cleavage and sucked my breasts while his hands cupped them lovingly. He'd alternate that and kissing me. It was so hot. Next thing I knew I said, "let's go to your bedroom", so he took me by the hand and led me there. Now I have to back-track and say that even when we saw each other before, he always came to my house. I never went to his place. I honestly thought it was his way of keeping me at arms' length. He also pretty much refused to talk about his son. And now? He was snapchatting me videos of them having breakfast, playing games, all sorts of intimate things he'd never let me be a part of before. I was soooo loving it.

So by the time we got to his bedroom, I was ready. He was too, and showed me how ready! Yummm. He asked how to take off my dress and pulled it gently over my head. I undid the button at the top of his jeans and he had nothing on under, just that big hard cock tucked into his skinny jeans, and it was bursting out of the zipper. Mmmm I helped him out of them as he pulled his shirt over his head, his beautiful long hair cascading down.

We'd talked earlier about whether or not we'd need condoms; it wasn't lost on either of us that he'd accidentally given me clamydia a few years ago! I told him I was seeing someone (New Guy) and got tested before and after I started fucking him and was 100% clean. He said he hadn't been with anyone in 4 months and only with his GF for 3 years prior. That was good enough for me.

He's a very passionate kisser, and he was delicious. He's not grabby or jerky at all, his movements are gentle and deliberate. I love it. He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I remember telling him to relax and lay back, that I'd brought his birthday present with me hehehe and I proceeded to give him the best blow-job he'd ever had-since the last one I gave him LOL He was fully shaved and delicious. I hate a ton of body hair and he remembered. I licked him up and down and sucked that big cock til he almost came. Moaning, he sat up and kissed me, thanked me and said he wanted to fuck me. We fucked in several different positions, most notably, doggy-style, and he fucked me longer and harder doggy-style than any guy ever has. It was cute, after that, we switched positions again ( I really loved sucking his dick!!) he said something about being "nervous". I said, "really? Awww how sweet" or something like that. I was impressed. He said something about how long it had been since he'd been with anyone, and anyone else for that matter. Then he flipped me on my back, and pulled me gently to the edge of the bed, flipped that gorgeous mane of his and inserted that huge cock inside me. I was so wet we didn't need the lube I brought.

Mid-fuck, as he's got my legs in the air and his soft hair is caressing my breasts as he's fucking me, he says, "now I remember what it's like to fuck you!" I bit my tongue from saying, "Is that a good thing???" and hope it was! It must've been, bc right then and there he said, "want me to cum for you baby?" and I said, "please! show me how excited I make you" and he did. He came inside me and I got to see his O-face. He moaned and cooed and kissed me. 

We got to the finish line with no towel, and we giggled about our predicament as he's still holding my legs in the air, looking around for something to mop up the mess if you will. I have a technique I use with my hubby so I thought I'd try it with him. I said, "flip me over!" and he tried to but it was a little clunky, and I blamed it on my shoes I was still wearing. We did it though, a little clumsily, but he flipped me over and in the process, he ends up on his back and most of the cum stays on him instead of the sheets! He seemed a bit bewildered, and I commented that it was a little clunky bc I was still wearing my shoes, and I pointed out to him, "Look!! Hardly any cum on your sheets!" We laughed and he liked it. He grabbed a towel and cleaned me up (I LOVE WHEN A MAN DOES IT FOR ME!! THAT'S SO HOT!!!). We chatted as we got dressed, I wish I could remember what about, probably I said I didn't want to leave so soon but was worried about the drive and needed to get going. 

I went to the bathroom to pee before I left, and we talked at the doorway and kissed and I left. 

That. Was. Fun. I'll def be back.



Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Day with with new Tinder guy

Valentine's Day really had nothing to do with the reason for our date--it was more it was a Tuesday, which just happened to be the best day of the week we could get together. He's free during the day and so am I! 

After our meet-and-greet coffee date on Friday, I thought about all the books I've read about "what men are really thinking" and that sort of shit and how they like to "do" for women, so knowing that JL is a sous chef (on disability right now, so P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!) so I suggested, "I'd love for you to cook for me!" He loved the idea. And most of our texts between Friday and yesterday involved decision making about what to cook for me. Not sexual flirting but everything else. I loved it. He always responded, never ghosted or went long periods of time without communicating. 

I got there soon after tennis yesterday, with a condom just in case. I wasn't really sure I wanted to fuck him or not. He was growing on me with every day that passed, he seemed so genuine and easy to be around. Not having a car, he needed to still go to the store and buy everything. So, we stood in his kitchen for about 45 min while we tried to decide what to cook. I swear I was hungry and so horny, I was ready to just say, "let's order a fucking pizza and fuck while we wait for it to get here!!" 

It was awkward going out in public with a much-younger guy. He actually got a shopping cart when we got out of my car and rode it into the store. I was so embarrassed. Mickey used to do that after he'd help me put the groceries in my car. I had a flash-back to those days and chuckled to myself. In the store, he'd ride it too, from aisle to aisle. I finally let him go off without me bc I was so uncomfortable. I'd said I was looking for truffle oil, and by the time I'd found him he was at the self-check out.

I've GOT to remember to bring my own booze when I got to these young guy's places! They never have anything remotely like what I drink. We stood in his kitchen, a cluttered kitschey place his mom owns. Yellow kitchen and bathroom tile, pink walls, little figurines everywhere, very claustrophobic. I hated it. It was offset by lots of sunlight coming in and many scattered houseplants everywhere, and of course, that hot young 24-year-old who was now wearing a black apron and cutting vegetables for me. He'd put on music from "Vengo" (hadn't heard of it) and he chatted endlessly about everything that came into his head while he chopped and sauteed. He was making "sliders" with chicken since I don't eat red meat. It was frozen and it took forever. I got there around 12:30 and we didn't eat until 4:30.

I was texting my hubby off and on while I was there, reassuring him and also giving him a play-by-play. He said "He's shy. You're going to have to make the first move". I realized he was right. JL was respectful and never once assumed he was going to get laid. He genuinely enjoyed cooking for me, and it was fun talking to him. He's so fucking smart!!! I LOVE smart guys! I realized tho I needed some liquid courage and asked him to make me something to drink. He offered me water, orange juice or soda. I was like, "eh". Then he said, "seven and seven?" I blurted out "SURE!!!!!" I have never actually had whiskey but I needed something to loosen me up. I was so uptight. There was no place to really sit either, so I felt so awkward just leaning on the kitchen counter the whole time. There were barstools, but when I'd sat down on one of them, they were too short and the counter was up to my chin. Oy. Hence the standing.

Finally, watching the chicken sauteeing and taking forever (I was STARVING) the whiskey hit me fast. He'd mixed it with grenadine and Sprite, but alas, no ice cubes LOL. He was sitting up on the corner of the counter, arms crossed, looking so fucking adorable. I just waltzed over to him and took his hands in mine, spread his legs open with mine and he leaned in and he kissed me. I let him just kiss me and kiss me and kiss me. He bit my lip and sucked it and then made his way to my neck and nibbled and kissed it and back up to my mouth again. It was SO HOT. I love making out. Sometimes I don't ever want it to lead to sex bc then they stop making out with the goal line of fucking.

It was so fun. He went back to cooking and I went back to my post and we kept chatting. Then another time I did it again. Just went over to him and started kissing. This time his hand started to roam and I let him. He moved my hand to his dick, which was quite hard now and I was getting very turned on. I let him slide his hand into my leggings where he quickly found my wet pussy. He fingered me, found my clit piercing. He pulled away from kissing me with a chuckle, "I should've guessed." I found that to be an insult of sorts somehow and pulled away from him and said,"What?? Why's that?" He just closed his eyes and smiled and kissed me to avoid answering. 

It was getting pretty intense. He cracked me up when he said, "I remember you said you liked appetizers!" and put my hand on his dick! I laughed and said, "indeed I do!!!"  I undid the button to his khakis and unzipped his zipper, but caressed his dick from outside his boxers. I love the anticipation. That's my favorite. I think he wanted me to give him a blow-job but I didn't want to, not there in that crazy-lady kitchen and not before I got my pleasure. I said, "Where's your bedroom?" And we went there. 

It was upstairs, a cute loft that badly needed upgrades, but the sunlight coming in was spectacular. He didn't really have a bed-just a mattress on the floor with a mirrored headboard on the ground leaning up against it. It looked like a teenage boy's bedroom and I caught myself actually asking him if he was "really 24" bc he could pass for 17. He assured me he was, but part of me was a little afraid the cops were going to bust in and arrest me at any second. I am not kidding. I should've made him prove it but I knew I was worried for nothing. I knew how old he was from his conversation (year he graduated high school, etc.) but idk it was a bit uncomfortable.

I could tell he wasn't very experienced and needed some direction, but I really like a guy to take charge so I didn't want to tell him to do much. He seemed awkward so I said, "whatever piece of clothing I take off, you copy!" He liked that. So the first thing to come off was my top. He didn't comply with the game right away, he seemed distracted, so I said it again playfully and started to take his black t-shirt off. He was skinnier than he appeared with his clothes on. Then I started to take off my leggings. He got the game at this point and was taking off his pants too. I said, "It's cold! I'm leaving my socks on!" and we laughed.

Finally we were down to socks and undies, and I sat down on his mattress. He'd just changed the sheets he said, and put a large dark blue towel down and I moved so he could lay it down. That annoyed me. Next thing I knew he was standing in front of me and I was kneeling, and his large hard cock was in my face. It was a pretty cock and his balls were very nice too so I showed my appreciation. He came so fast, I'd say less than 3 minutes, one and a half maybe. I swallowed it all and he moaned and grabbed by hair hard. I KNOW that was the best BJ he'd ever been given, but he didn't say so. He was not a talkative lover at all. He smiled a lot and made a lot of eye contact which I love.

He had asked about a condom and I'd already gotten it out. I didn't want to fuck him yet bc I wanted him to lick me and make me cum. He said he "didn't do that" and I said, "WHAT??!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??" and he said yeah. I said, "well you need to learn or we won't be doing this again." I don't think he believed me. But I was super horny and needed a real good pounding so I instructed  him, "Sit down". There was a green-sheeted covered futon and I wanted to fuck him. He complied but again, commented about the sheet being clean so I grabbed the blue towel and spread it down atop the green sheet. I climbed on top of him and fucked him hard. It was a great piece of furniture to fuck on! (We must get one!) I grabbed hold of the edge of the back of it and was able to really fuck him hard. I think he was amazed how long and hard I can fuck without getting tired. hehehehe

Then he flipped me over and fucked me from behind. Goddamm it I have never been fucked that hard before. I swear to God. I mean Blondie fucks me hard but never from behind. It was incredible. JL would grab my hair tight and I would like it for a little bit but then it started to hurt so I'd ask him to ease up and he always did. I liked that. Made me feel safer. He would slap my ass too as he fucked me and I loved it. Finally tho my hands would hurt from being on my knees and I wanted him to fuck me face-to-face. I was the one orchestrating our moves. I made him stop and got up from the futon and motioned for the mattress, which of course, at the same time, dragged the blue towel to it. I laid down on my back and he wanted to keep fucking me which he did. At one point he put my panties in my mouth, covering my mouth with his hand. I had never had anyone do that to me before and I felt very scared. I pushed it out right away. He didn't try to stop me, he obviously knew I didn't like it.  He fucked me SO hard and fast. I see where the term "pounding" comes from hahahahha He definitely pounded me. He was sweating and it was dripping on me body and I thought it was so hot. He was so cute. I loved seeing his face while he fucked me.

I was so horny and his fucking made me want to cum SO BAD but I had to tell him it wasn't going to happen with my legs in the air and his dick inside me. He seemed to think that's how women cum so he just kept fucking me harder and harder. He seemed surprised when I told him that. He did pull out and finger me a little but for some reason I felt like I couldn't relax, maybe it felt like he wasn't really trying and wasn't really into pleasing ME so I said, "we can stop". It was getting late anyways, and he had said his mom came home from work at 5:30 and it was already 4:30 and we hadn't even eaten the food he'd spent 3 hours cooking!! So we did, he was sweating and tired and I was too. We got up and got dressed--I didn't like the way he tossed my bra and panties to me onto his mattress instead of sexily handing them to me. I started to feel whorish and I thought, "I don't think I'm coming back here again."

He grabbed his clothes and left the room and went downstairs, and I was left alone. I got dressed and went downstairs, and I saw him in the bathroom drying himself off with a brown towel. I think he must've quick showered....?? He said something about being so sweaty (he wasn't complaining, just explaining). I thought it was odd. He dressed then quickly, came into the kitchen and prepared our plates and we went over to the same counter where I'd stood all afternoon and we devoured his chicken sliders. They were amazing. We were famished. We chatted as we ate and kept an eye on the clock. Finally it was time to leave--I was ready. I offered to do the dishes but he said nah he didn't mind. I thanked him for cooking for me and that it was awesome. He walked me to the door and we kissed a juicy deep kiss goodbye.

He's sweet, and sexy, but idk about the way he treated me. I don't like feeling like a cheap whore. I realized the biggest difference between Blondie and JL is, JL "fucks". Blondie "makes love". World of difference. 

Guess who I'd rather fuck.

Preamble to Valentine's Day

I want to tell you about my Valentine's Day yesterday!! OMG it was so hot! BUT first a Blondie update. He is still single according to his FB, which he's on 24/7, so I poke him now and then. I thought Valentine's Day was a great reason to poke him and I sent him a cute meme of an orange cat like his inside a pink heart. He responded immediately!! Wished me same back and we chatted off and on. Oh, I forgot, actually we started texting the day before. He'd posted on his fb he needed rehab for his binge drinking and he had almost 50 comments so I just PM'd him mine. It went from there. It was very interesting--he'd been hungover that Monday he came over and had gotten sick. AND when he drunk-dialed me that sexy convo where he said he "craved" me he was drunk. Putting pieces together. And it's interesting bc when we were together last year he never drank at all. He loves his weed. So this must be new behavior, perhaps getting dumped by Piggy Face??? Hmmmm. He was having chest pains and I was going to take him to the ER but he ended up deciding to "ride it out". He's only 24. I'm sure he just had anxiety.

Anyways, I decided to just ask him out! He's the kind of guy that likes romance. He seems offended or something when I'm too sexual. So I said, "how about $5 movie night? It'll be fun!!" He responded it sounded like fun but he couldn't tonight, something about having to get a hair cut (on VALENTINE'S DAY??? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHICK HE WAS TALKING TO AND COULDN'T TALK TO ME....?!?!?!?! HE ALONE ON V-DAY??!!)  and had to "take care of some other stuff". I believed him. He doesn't lie. If he had a date he'd have said so. He's clearly unbalanced right now. But we are talking daily again and I'm so happy to have him back in my life. I know, he wasn't ever really "out". But when he's dating someone else, I'm in the friend zone.

Yeah. Blondie broken like New Guy, but omg they handle their brokenness completely differently. Blondie doesn't "shut people out" and ghost them into thinking they're done anything wrong.


I matched about 5-7 cute guys and sat back to see who'd pursue me the hardest. The winner was a guy I'll call JL. He's 24-years old, tall and lanky, a ginger with light hazel eye. And awesome eyebrows. I agreed to meet him for coffee last Friday. Again, another hottie without a car, so I went to pick him up where he lived, which is a ramshackle house along a busy freeway about 20 minutes from me. Perfect tho, bc we'd be unlikely to run into anyone I know.

He was cute and I liked his look right away. We drove to a nearby Starbucks and he bought us both a coffee. It's always awkward being in public with someone who most people would look at us and assume I'm his mom. We sat at a bar-type table facing a window and chatted for about an hour. I realized he's probably one of the most intelligent people I'd ever met-completely knowledgeable about politics (at least we are in agreement on most everything!!) He's an activist and a former vegan who still eats mostly only organic. He spoke so softly I had to lean in several times and say, "I'm sorry??" He also started doing this head twitch which seemed like hiccups, or possibly, Turrett's??? I had mixed emotions. He was super cute, dressed like a total skaterboy, had a sexy deep voice, inviting eyes and then tics. It was a bit scary and off-putting.

As I got talking to him, he told me about a bicycling accident he'd had three years prior that resulted in a brain injury and "micro seizures". It was a bit frightening and I told him so. He put me at ease and said he's used to it. We talked for an hour and he filled me in about it and I was still conflicted about any chemistry I was feeling with him.

When I drove up to his house, he asked me what I was looking for. "FWB essentially" I responded, and he said likewise. I felt safe and at ease around him once his "micro seizures" stopped (they weren't bad, like I said, like hiccups) and I liked that he reached over and just kissed me. He was a GREAT kisser, and very respectable, he didn't just dive into my groin. I liked kissing him and grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer. He invited me in, but I said I wasn't ready for that, and had to get going.

I wrote him at a stoplight on the way home, "you're a great kisser". He flirted back, and we made plans to see each other the following week.

And that's the blog post I wanted to write about initially but had to get all the other shit out of the way first.

Next up--I fucked him yesterday.

Ghosting--the new "fuck you"

It's only Wednesday and I have SOOOOOO much to tell you!! WHERE DO I BEGIN???

I think I'll start by saying around 1 am a few nights ago, New Guy messaged me, simply, "Yo". I laughed so loud. I was in bed reading on my iPad as usual, staying up way too late. I couldn't believe his nerve. A few minutes later I responded with the snarky, "Yo yo!" He didn't respond and I fell asleep soon after. What an ass.

In the morning he wrote me, "what are you up to" (again no punctuation). I responded simply, " Driving now." Bc I was and also bc I didn't want to initiate conversation. Let HIM do the work. I was waiting for the apology.

He didn't write again. BUT he DID comment on a Facebook post I'd made about something about the Grammy Awards show I was watching. Something snarky, of course. I just kept my response to myself and "liked" his comment, which meant, I see you but I 'm not giving you the honor of my response.

And then once again, 1:00 a.m. messages. At least this time it wasn't, "Yo". So I decided to respond and see if I could get some answers. He dove right in by saying he'd been "real depressed last week. Sorry just been AWOL." Like that was going to smooth everything over and make it okay. BUT I'm not a jerk and I did have some compassion bc I realized right then and there that it had nothing to do with me.

That's really all I needed to know.

I said, 'What's going on?" He answered, "nothing, I just suffer from depression. Sometimes it get bad. I'm medicated for it." I said I was sorry to hear. I said, "Can I ask u something?" He said, "yes". I said, "Why did you ghost me?" He said, "I just told u." I was not satisfied. I went on. "I invited myself over to see u. You never responded. Help me understand. I really really liked you."


His response? The same. "I told you."

I went on to say how I liked how he had always said how "blunt" he was and "tells it like it is" so I assumed he must've met someone else. And "I even wrote a few days after that. I said I missed your phone calls. Have you missed me too?"

He said, "Like I said, I am medicatd. I have bouts of really highs and really lows. I'm saying I'm sorry. Nothing left to say." I said, "I"m glad to hear that" and "I've missed you."

Then the convo turned sexual. I wasn't interested. I deflected. Told him about a couple good porn sites he should check out instead.

I complimented him on his singing voice. Remember he's in a band too and their lead singer, and he's sent me his songs and he's a crooner. Fucking velvety voice, so beautiful, it's higher than mine. He said, "no one's ever told me that." I said, "I wrote you I was listening to your music and getting turned on by your voice. You never responded. I felt so stupid." He felt bad apparently, saying, "Don't. U R awesome. It's my own shit." DAMN STRAIGHT IT IS.

"How do I not take it personally if you choose to ignore me again?" I challenged him.

"Cause I told you why. I close down and shut people out."

I said, "That's sad babe. I'm sorry to hear and it hurts." And then I added sympathetically, "I"m sure you hurt worse tho." He said, "Trust me, I don't enjoy it.".

So that was that. We chatted a bit after and it ended sweetly, and I've heard from him a couple times since. We wished each other a happy Valentine's day and I "hearted" his new FB profile pic. I'll give him all the compliments I think he deserves, but that boy ain't getting in my pants anytime soon. I'll be his friend and that's all. I don't do mental illness anymore. I have let broken people pull me down so many times, I give and give and give and try to save them from themselves and all it ever does is break ME instead.

I can't do it. If I fuck him he will get in my heart and he doesn't deserve a place there. I don't need him for sex. He needs me--he wants me, he can't do better than me but he doesn't deserve me.

It feels SO GOOD to have gotten answers.

People, I know it the "latest thing" to ghost people but for God's sake stop doing it. All it does is cause so much anxiety and despair to the person you're ghosting. If you've barely talked to them it's an acceptable way to let them know you're not interested but if you've dated them, you owe them an explanation. Tell them. There are gentle words out there to communicate you're no longer interested in dating them without breaking their spirit. We are grown-ups.

Start fucking acting like one.

And have a nice day.

Follow-up post will be very exciting. Stay tuned.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Another one bites the dust

Oy vay.

Back to the drawing board.

New Guy will probably not be mentioned again after today's post. I think it's super interesting that not only could I not think of how to address him when I talked about him let alone on here was probably a premonition. I'm so annoyed. I texted him again one last time last night, I simply said, "I miss your daily phone calls. Hope all is well with you."

Crickets once again.

And what pisses me off the most is, he made a point to tell me more than once how he's the kind of person who's "so blunt it offends a lot of people" but the truth is, he's a coward and an asshole. To just ignore me is cowardice and douchebag behavior. So much for being "blunt".

I deleted all our texts so I'm not tempted to contact him again. And why would I be tempted to contact him again? Only to show my anger and contempt for him and I don't want to do that. I want to just "go away" as he's hoping I will (apparently) and take the high road. I KNOW I didn't do anything wrong. The day before he stopped responding to me we had insane video sex and he'd responded how hot and sexy I was. So whatever is causing him to act like an asshole, well, it has nothing to do with ME.

I like that I'm handling this additional rejection well. It happens so often I can't possibly take it personally. I think these young guys are mostly all talk-like Hairy Guy got cold feet at the last minute and admitted "sexting is fun but I don't think I can go through with it." I think they just like the free sexy pics and the IDEA of me. And also, I'm married. They want girlfriends they can take home to their roommates and not be embarrassed about. Once Blondie got a female roommate, he refused to have me over bc apparently, he was embarrassed of me. I refuse to be someone's embarrassment. I will keep looking until I find someone who will like me the way I am. What hurts is New Guy and I had these conversations and before we even met we both wanted the same thing. Being almost 28 he seemed more mature than Blondie (who's barely 24).


I'm not going to waste a minute putting myself down. I always tell myself, "If I don't have any information to go on as to why they stopped contacting me, what good does it do me to put myself down?? I mean yes, I am the common denominator. BUT both guys' last interactions with me were highly positive. So if I have no idea why they lost interest, what good does it do me to put myself down? If I have to write the story, why say "oh it's bc you're old. They saw your flab. They saw wrinkles. I'm not 24." blah blah blah Why not tell myself, "They stopped contacting me bc they couldn't handle me?" and "they're immature" and "probably want a girlfriend/marriage/babies and I can't give them that."

It saves my ego and it's probably the truth. But there's really no excuse for just "ghosting" someone you've been involved with except to label that person a douchebag.

At least Blondie always wrote me and told me why he couldn't see me. He gave me that. He has never ghosted me. And he's younger than New Guy. And here I thought NG would be more mature.
Apparently, age is not an indicator of douche'ness.


Happy Monday y'all.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Hairy Guy saves the day

My hubby was in another state for work last night, so I wanted to make the most of my solo evening and wrote New Guy that I was free and would he like some company?? I assumed since he'd invited me over several times (which I'd declined bc I wasn't "ready" yet) would def want to get together. After all, we'd just had this awesome video sex, and he was calling me daily, texting me non-stop.

And I think I wrote yesterday that I knew something had changed when he hadn't opened my snapchat from the night before, and hadn't texted back either. Finally he did, three texts in a row, something about how he couldn't find his phone "until just now." I've used that line before so I knew it was code for, "I didn't really want to respond, but I'm an asshole if I don't".  So imagine my humiliation now having basically thrown myself at him and he still has not even responded. And it's not like he "can't find his phone", because he's posted shit on his Facebook! He's just fucking ghosting me! WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!! SEE???!! THERE WAS A REASON HE NEVER GOT A NAME FROM ME!!! I'm pissed beyond pissed. But I am always right about chemistry. I had to work too hard at it, but when I finally felt it, guess it was too late for him. Big fucking deal. I don't give a shit. His loss. I'm done. If I hear from him it had better be good bc I don't plan on responding. And I'm not going to humiliate myself further by sending "???'s either. 


I wasn't about to sit home tho. And ironically, Hairy Guy was in town, literally just for the one night! So we Snapchatted back and forth all day, and I lied and told him I had plans with girlfriends and wasn't sure I could get out of it. Truth was, I was holding out for New Guy. I wrongly assumed he was just at work, because he DID write me "good morning" as usual and a few scattered texts, so I had no reason to believe my plans with him would fizzle. By 4:30, I was beyond pissed off, and decided to see Hairy Guy and if New Guy wrote me, I would tell him sorry he took too long to respond so I made other plans.


Hairy Guy was all in. I made a hotel reservation, the same one I met Abercrombie at that has a cute bar adjoining it. I could hardly get ready bc he kept sending me sexy snapchats. We were both getting ready for our date and he was getting so excited he sent me a video of himself jerking off. What a fucking hottie!!

He was staying with family literally a mile away from me, and since he lives in Florida, he didn't have a car, so I went to pick him up. He was as adorable as his snapchats. He's got hair longer than mine (he even agreed it was!) and he's the complete opposite of Blondie except for the length of their hair. Oh, and they both have blue eyes. He's called Hairy Guy for a reason LOL he's always got some sort of 3-4 day stubble on his face, long black very curly hair, and a very hairy chest. He doesn't "manscape" at all. Which is usually the complete opposite of what I'm usually attracted to so it kind of surprises me I'm so insanely attracted to him!

Shortly before I let to pick him up, he backed out of meeting me entirely. Said something about how it was "immoral" bc I have a husband and kids and a house and all. I was like "whoa whoa whoa" and had to explain my sitch to him all over again. He also mentioned something about a girl he was seeing who wasn't really his girlfriend but he was "holding out for her." I was annoyed and probably should've cancelled our date, but by then I was all dressed up and very horny and damn if I wasn't going to get some attention!! I cancelled the hotel reservation and told him we would just have dinner. That if I ate I wouldn't want to fuck anyways. LOL He softened and said, "YEAH!!"
I should summarize that we've known each other for almost 2 years! We "met" on Tinder and after nearly hooking up, I did a little digging and saw that he was FB friends with my DAUGHTER!! I was like no no no no no this can NEVER happen.

So we've been friends ever since. We really are. I feel like I know him pretty well. He sends me snapchats all the time, and I to him. We discuss my daughter and her possible pot smoking. He swears he has no idea who she is, or my son for that matter. They all went to the same high school and kids know kids and friends of other friends is all. Having known him this long I believe him. So I just thought, this will be fun to finally meet him. No pressure.

In the car on the way to the restaurant he let me pick. he was telling me a story that included the information that he was only 19!! I freaked and said, "WTF??? WHY DID I THINK YOU WERE 24!!!!!" He laughed and said, "Anna you know how young I am! I was barely 18 when we first started talking and that's why you wouldn't meet me!" He said everyone thinks he looks 24-26. He said he's even a bar-back where he lives in Florida and that's why they let him keep the job even though he's under 21. He said his fake ID is so legit looking, and I laughed and told him that I'm sure they'd serve him anyways bc I'm sure they'll just think I'm your mom!!

We had a great time together. He's super ADD and talks a mile a minute and hardly stops to take a breath, but he always had eye contact. He never once looked around the room at anyone else, he was focused on me and only me the entire time. We had 2 margaritas, and nibbled on the tortilla chips and guac, and I thought, "well, this isn't going anywhere" which was the plan, so I tossed my credit card to the bartender and asked for the bill. After I signed it I told Hairy Guy I had to use the bathroom. He gave me the sweetest smile, and for the first time, I saw dimples, peeking out from all that stubble. I stopped and said, "I'm having a great time. Are you?" And he said, "fuck yeah!" I said, "I don't have to leave. Want another??" and again he said, "fuck yeah!" I said, "ok awesome! I'm going to go to the bathroom. Order us another round?" He said, "sure!!!"

I was like, oh Anna, a THIRD margarita??? That spells either trouble or sex. Hehehehe

As we were talking he started putting his hand on my knee or thigh when he gestured. I didn't mind at all. We had crazy chemistry, and we were such good friends, I was relaxed and not at all nervous. I ordered food when I got back bc I was afraid I would end up quite sick as i hadn't eaten anything but a few chips. I barely touched it bc I was getting hornier and hornier for this hottie.

Finally it was time to leave, and we just simply walked to my car. Non-plussed. Just good buddies. With all this crazy chemistry that wasn't going anywhere. After I started driving, we got about 2-3 miles in and he said something about wanting to park somewhere and "make out". I said, "you sure??? I don't want u to do anything your uncomfortable with. That was the agreement." He said, "you're so hot baby and I've wanted you for almost 2 years. I'm so stupid. We should've kept that hotel room." I said, "oh well!! Maybe next visit!!!" By now his hand was up my dress and fingering my pussy and I was panting. I had no idea where to go and we laughed as we tried several different parking lots and found a dark corner finally. He pounced on me, he couldn't wait.

Kissing me ferociously. His fingers all up in my business, I took his man-bun down and grabbed a fistful of that sexy Jesus hair. He said all the young girls he dates tell him to cut it bc he looks too much like Jesus. I laughed and said I was agnostic so for me this is def going to be a religious experience!! He laughed too. And I wasn't nervous at all, and I felt so safe with him, he's so sweet. And a tiger and passionate. I found his hard dick and he undid the top of his pants and I sucked him off. He moaned like an animal and came so fast and tasted so fucking delicious. He kissed me more and fingered me until I came. It was fucking awesome.

And he goes back Monday, so I think I'll tease him today and see if he has changed his mind about fucking me.

Have a great weekend my sexy readers!!
