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Friday, April 19, 2013

Sexual slump continues

Hello my dear readers! I haven't had much to write about these last few months so that explains the dry spell in posts. My hubby and I are working hard on our marriage. We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this week and if y'all have been following my other blog you will remember that a year ago I screamed at him that I wanted a divorce and that "I WON'T CHANGE MY MIND". How far we've come.

We're doing pretty well. We had a nice long dinner out to celebrate our anniversary. It went amazingly well. He brought me a dozen red roses and wrote a beautiful letter to me. I wrote him a poem (I have a way with words LOL) and printed out a picture from our wedding day and framed it and decorated the frame. Somehow buying each other gifts didn't seem very appropriate.

We are closer but in a sexual slump. I don't know what's up with me. I'm just not in the mood. I do miss Jake badly lately and his attention is getting me riled up with excitement. Another hottie came out of the woodwork this week--a 22-year-old I "met" on Cougarlife but never hooked up with. That was fun flirting with him. I gotta figure out what's going on with me. My life is so crazy-busy there's no time to think. I try to meditate but I can't sit still.

Hope all is well with you hotties!