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Monday, July 26, 2010

6 days to go till Mickey's here!

It seems I'm where I was a year ago, in that I'm not really sure how to act or feel about Mickey coming here. I mean, I'm soooo totally excited, but even though my hubby paid for his plane ticket here, that doesn't mean he'll actually show up. Although I don't think he'd do that this time; we actually talked on the phone a couple of nights ago; he was saying he had family out here and his grandfather is dying and he really wants to see him. How they are all excited to see him, and are planning a party for him. 
He seems less flighty than he used to be; he's had some adversity so I think that has matured him a little bit. He's gotten in trouble with the law....something about a rape charge that was eventually dropped. He said he was drunk and the girl turned out to be 16. Hmmm huge red flag Anna? Hmm. Well, like I said, if I ever got to know him better, and take some of the mystery away, I knew I'd obsess about him less. I'm turned off by that----it's a big buzz-kill for sure. I think he's grateful he's not in jail and forever "Scarlett Lettered" as a sex offender. I also don't think he's got a GF--although there's a girl on his FB page that says she's "in a relationship" with him.

I'm SOOOOO glad he's coming! I do think the encounter will heal me and help me move on. I know that sounds fucking twisted---I know it is---but I really get now how I'm trying to fix my fucked up childhood through Mickey. He has too much power over me. I love having sex with him--but the real healing would be if I could talk to him. He really opened up to me on the phone--I get the feeling he might actually be softening about his commitment phobia. I don't know.

So, here's the plan--my hubby and I have been excitedly talking about what we're going to do with him! We are both going to go to the airport to pick him groin tingles as I write those words!! I told Mickey about a cool bar my hubby and I love to go to and I want to take him there. We can eat and have a few drinks (and hopefully talk!!! Don't guys get that to get in our pants you gotta get in our heads first???) Then take him back to our house. I'm farming out my kids for the night. I told him I want to skinny dip in our pool and fuck him in every room in the house. He said he's game for anything! "Even a 3sum?" I asked him. He answered, "I'm your slave", so I'm fucking stoked!!! My hubby said I could be alone with him too. MMmmm I'm gonna slap him during sex. I thought of it just now....I'll get him back but turn him on at the same time. 

I love that I've got the power this time. NOT him. As he said himself, "you're paying for everything, I'm all yours." So there will be no running out of hotel rooms this time, unless it's done by me. 

Oh, and BTW, haven't heard a peep from B. What another asshole. I'm good enough to have his baby but he can't add me to his FB? or return any of my texts? What a loser. He's so full of himself. Well, he was fun. And I can always blackmail him if he gets really big....I've kept all his texts. LOL I'd never do that but it's fun to think about when I start to miss him.

Mickey will be here in 6 days!!!!!