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Friday, March 19, 2010

update on lover #22

Ok, so he gave me his cell number and I texted him about 5 days later, hey, wanna get together on Thursday? I never heard back. Hmmm. This is unfortunately not uncommon. After exchanging pics and some instant messaging, guys will flake out on me. I don't know what their prior experiences are, but they disappear when I commit to meeting them. I guess the do me a favor.

Well, he emailed me, he just got a DUI so he can't drive, and can't pay his cell so he didn't know I'd texted him....but hey, what can I say, he's ultra hot, he looks like the lead singer from Three Days Grace and I don't honestly care about his personal situation, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. So, I told him, email me in the morning, and I'll drive to come see him. I'll let you know what happens. I do not want to be disappointed. Kids will be in school so I've got time to go see him. I'm getting so horny for him he'd better come through.

Guess most guys don't know what to do with a girl like me.

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